Day 9: Review of Greek Art

a)  Take Quiz: Greek Art Quiz 8
b) Review Terms you should know (create a glossary for the following terms):

         i.            black figure painting
       ii.            contrapposto pose
      iii.            frieze
     iv.            BC
       v.            AD
     vi.            Humanism
    vii.            Rationalism
  viii.            Krater
     ix.            city-state
       x.            Archaic Smile
     xi.            Kouros
    xii.            Kore
  xiii.            encaustic painting
  xiv.            peplos

   xv.            himation
  xvi.            Naos
xvii.            Pronaos
xviii.            Colonnade
  xix.            Entablature
   xx.            Architrave
  xxi.            Metopes
xxii.            Cornice
xxiii.            Pediment
xxiv.            Gigantomachy
xxv.            red figure painting
xxvi.            lost wax process
xxvii.            patina
xxviii.            idealism

xxix.            Doryphoros
xxx.            Canon
xxxi.            Herm bust
xxxii.            Acropolis
xxxiii.            Propylaia
xxxiv.            pinacotheca
xxxv.            caryatid
xxxvi.            amphiprostyle
xxxvii.            mosaic
xxxviii.            orchestra
xxxix.            tholos
     xl.            agora
    xli.            stoa

c)   Images you should be able to identify

d) Questions you should be able to answer (answer the following questions):

  • What are the four periods of Greek Art?
  • What are some artworks that belong in each of the periods of Greek Art?
  • What are some of the characteristics of the periods of Greek Art?
  • How does Greek art influence society and art today?
  • What are the three orders of columns in the Greek Art period and what is the difference between them?
  • What are the parts of an entablature?
  • How did the concepts of humanism and idealism influence Ancient Greek Art?
  • What are some historical events that influenced Ancient Greek Art and what we see today of Ancient Greek Art?
  • What is the general layout of an Ancient Greek temple?