Day 8: Hellenistic Greek Art

a)  Take Quiz: Greek Art Quiz 7
b) Video 5

c)  Questions

1.             When does the Hellenistic Period occur?
2.             What are the general characteristics of Hellenistic sculpture?
3.             Research Question: What is a mosaic?
4.             What are the qualities of Greek mosaics?
5.             What are the characteristics of Hellenistic Architecture?
6.             How did the Greeks make theaters?
7.             What does the word “orchestra” originally mean and refer too?
8.             What is a “tholos”?
9.             What do Corinthian Column capitals have on them?
10.      What is an “agora”?
11.      What is a “stoa”?
12.      Today, where would you find the “Altar of Zeus” (or at least part of it)?
13.       How would the Greek use “gigantomachy” and “centauromachy” in temples?
14.      What does the “Dying Gaul” look like?
15.      What does the “Nike of Samothrace” look like?
16.      What would the real name of Venus de Milo be and what would she would have been holding?
17.      What is the “Old market woman” a good example of from the Hellenistic period?
18.             Who made the “Laocoon and his sons”?