Day 5: Classical Greek Art -Part 1-

a)  Take Quiz: Greek Art Quiz 4

b)  Video 4 (stop the video at 27:32)

c)  Questions

1.             What event marks the beginning of the Classical period of Ancient Greek Art in 480 BCE?
2.             What are the differences between the sculptures of the Archaic Period and the Classical period?
3.             What is different about the dying warrior from the east pediment of the temple of Aphaia and the dying warrior from the west pediment?
4.             What are some of the characteristics of Greek Classical Architecture?
5.             What is the best example of early Greek Classical Architecture that we can look at today?
6.             Where did the Olympic Games originate?
7.             What is contrapposto stance and what era of Greek Art did this technique develop?
8.             What happened to many of the Ancient Greek Bronze statues?
9.             What is the “lost wax process”?
10.      What is proportionally wrong with the Zeus from the sea off Cape Artemision?
11.      What is “patina”?
12.      Which is stronger material, bronze or marble, for statues?
13.      What is idealism in Greek art?
14.      What does “Doryphoros” mean?
15.      What is the “canon” and why is the “Doryphoros” sometimes called the “canon”?
16.      How is “Doryphoros” asymmetrically balanced?