Day 3: Archaic Greek Art - Part 1-

a)  Take Quiz: Greek Art Quiz 2
b) Video 3

c)   Questions
1.             What are the dates for the Archaic Greek Art period?
2.             What is the “Archaic Smile”?
3.             How is the hair of sculptures stylized?
4.             How is the Archaic sculpture similar to Egyptian sculpture?
5.             What is a “Kouros”?
6.             What is a “Kore”?
7.             Research Question: What is the Acropolis?
8.             What is a Moschophoros?
9.             What is encaustic painting?
10.      What is a “peplos”?
11.      What is a “himation”?
12.      What are the three classical orders of architecture?
13.      What is the difference between the three classical orders of architecture?
14.      What is the “Naos”?
15.      What is the primary purpose of Greek temple?
16.      What is the “pronaos”?
17.      Research Question: What is a “colonnade”?
18.      What is an “entablature”?
19.      What is the “architrave”?
20.      What is a “metopes”?
21.      What is the “cornice”?
22.      What is the main characteristic of Archaic architecture?
23.      What are the two parts of the capital of a Doric Column?
24.      What is a “pediment”?
25.      How large is Medusa from the West Pediment from the temple of Artemis in Corfu, Greece?
26.      What is a “gigantomachy”?